The Imperial Romney Flock was founded in 2011 after admiring the heritage long wool breed over many years. Foundation stock were selected for their dual purpose excellence, structural soundness and their maternal ability.
The Imperial Romney is a modern type sheep with emphasis placed on carcase quality whilst still producing a high yielding and uniform fleece. In 2013 Imperial Romneys joined Lambplan, benchmarking our sheep against other maternal breeds. Imperial currently to date has some of the highest figured sheep for fat and EMD under the Romney Banner. Imperial has a strict appraisal criterium to maintain our quality for both wool and carcase. Wool is tested annually to maintain a level of consistency and carcases are processed under our boxed lamb label as "Heritage Fresh" Romney lamb. This allows a constant and close relationship with how our sheep are meeting the demands of an ever expanding market. |
WoolImperial Romney Fleece averages between 8 - 13 kilos
with a micron of 30 - 38 Lambs wool averages 1.5 to 2 kilos with a micron of 25 to 30 |
CarcaseImperial Romney's are processed locally
with an emphasis on our boxed lamb label "Heritage Fresh" Romney Lamb |